Sunday, October 24, 2004

The Beauty of America

I Send Greetings

This is a big thing for me! America is the light of freedom of the world and is going through tough times. I had 2 daughters that volunteered into the Army, one on August 6th 2001 and the other September 6th 2001. Needless to say, but America was not the same on September 10th 2001 as it was on September 12th 2001. 911 was the worst attack since Pearl Harbor in 1941. So, I would write my daughters while they were in Boot-Camp, in the Army, trying to encourage them and telling them what was going on in America. As you may know they focus on training only in Basic Training in the military services. They were both honorably discharged from the Army, one was home before the fires stopped smoking at Ground Zero, the other shortly after. Although I was somewhat relieved they were out I was none-the-less proud of their commitment. I kept writing on occasion to help them see the world from older eyes, and that evolved into my Wartime Grapevine Newsletter that allows me a chance to talk about issues they will have to face in the future anyway. I offer this BLOG (newsletter) to you to help spread the truth about America and at least the beliefs of one proud father and American who understands the dangers we face. Feel free to email me back and I will send it to you.

Spread the truth!

June 29th, 2004

And now the most cutting edge of truth from the Wartime Grapevine!

Those That Get It

Here is a story not found in the main stream media. It is about a group of soldiers that were on patrol in Iraq and were suddenly ambushed. A Marine was hit and went down amidst a hail of machine gun fire and RPG’s. But his fellow brothers in arms closed ranks around him and began to return fire and fend off the terrorist insurgents. They were able to pull the Marine behind a wall and called for a Corpsman to give aid to the fallen Marine, then the brave team rejoined the fight and was able to dispatch the enemy combatants. These soldiers received 2 Navy Marine Corps accommodation medals, 3 Navy Marine Corps Achievement medals each of which included V’s for valor. The soldiers were part of the Iraqi Civil Defense Corps. These soldiers did not run from the fight as some may have in the beginning of the Liberation of Iraq, when faced with overwhelming odds. These men were brave and fought with valor and fought for freedom beside their fellow Marines as they do every day. One Iraqi soldier quote to FOXNEWS was "I feel very, very bad the Marine was shot because they are like my brothers now, but I am ready to go out again, I’m always ready." Clearly, they are among those that get it.

Many great events have happened since the last Grapevine newsletter. Some events are grotesquely abominable. Some were profound history in the making. The very fact that Saddam Hussein was captured, his son’s were killed in battle, and 25 million Iraqi citizens were free from a tyrant of crimes against humanity says quite a bit about Operation Iraqi Freedom. With the recent transfer of power to the Iraqi people from the Coalition also tells a story of history in the making. The Iraqi people are tasting freedom for the first time in 30 years, and America seeks not to occupy, colonize or rule over them. I take great offense when some refer to our soldiers, America or President Bush as occupiers of Iraq. If many had seen the mass graves, torture chambers, and the barbaric rule over these fellow humans by the cruel regime of Saddam, how could they see our operation to free them other than Iraqi Freedom? The terrorist are desperate not to let freedom and Democracy take root in the greater Middle East for it spells out their doom as the Iraqi people draw up their Constitution and prepare for elections. Saddam Hussein may well be handed over to the New Iraqi Government and stand in a court facing charges of genocide, torture, corruption, and crimes against humanity. I would say it is eminent that he falls into that category of one of those that will get it, but it will not be mercy. The Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, at the swearing in ceremony and transfer of power as reported by FOXNEWS said, "I'm calling on all the sons of Iraq to stand up and destroy the foreign terrorists who are killing our citizens and destroying our country." Those words seem to echo another leader of a country I know.

July 2004;

Tymore is the name given to a person whose real name is withheld because he is in danger of being killed. Probably, because he will give testimony at Saddams Genocide trial in the future. His story is like many Holocaust survivors from an era our children do not understand. The facts are that Nazi soldiers marched fellow human beings into gas chambers on a daily basis. From 1939 to 1945 European Jews were systematically destroyed. Tymore gave his story on the Sean Hannity show and was part of the mass murder of Saddam Hussein. In short he was a young boy at the time and the only survivor of his small town. The soldiers used bulldozers to make large trenches to bury the bodies. They gave them no food or water and when they did give them water they put drugs in it to dull the resistance. They drove them to another site and mowed them down with machine guns just like in Nazi Germany. Tymore is able to crawl out of the trench and into one for the next town or truckload of genocide victims. He tumbles into several pits and passes out, waking later to return to the people of his town covered over with earth. Tymore survives his wounds by being saved by a Bedowan family and lives to tell his story to those who are willing to listen. Disclosing details about WMD’s may have been one of many resolutions ignored by Saddam, even though they may be sitting in Syria, their absence is rather trivial to Tymore and those of his town beneath the sand. Saddam was a weapon of mass destruction and sits in a jail cell waiting trial for crimes against humanity. Tymore is among those 25 million Iraqis that get it.

Which brings me to another set of events concerning kidnappings and be-headings by terrorist. I heard the 9 screams of Nick Berg out of my AM radio from the Sean Hannity show and the last one was blood curdling as it was garbled and his last. I chose not to see it on the Internet as is my right, and I had no problem with those that chose to see it. I believe if those that moan about the Abu Ghraib prison photos and they that complain about the war in Iraq should see the video of Nick Berg having his head cut off as those that do chant "God is Great." It’s the fact that it is on the Internet and available, but met with caution or limited exposure from the major media, that I find troubling. Mostly, because there are many who see this or know of it and find fault with America still. It is not for the young to view, but certainly beyond primetime, when many are asleep, might it be shown? The terrorist and those that support that kind of hate make it available and we should be outraged to the point of determination that this evil will be sought out, found and destroyed. Had we the pictures of the choking human beings in the Nazi gas chambers the American people would have stood in line to thwart evil in the last century before Pearl Harbor. It is evident that the terrorists get it, because they are so desperate to stop Americans from freeing and helping another Muslim country out of tyranny that they resort to barbaric insane tactics. If you doubt this go find the pictures of Paul Johnson’s head laid on Paul Johnson’s back. He faced the evil that is determined to behead all Americans and destroy our will our country and our way of life.

While some may see this war against terrorism as something distant and removed because the terrorist have chosen to fight our brave men and women on the front line in Iraq, their are those that do get it, and are taking steps to assure America stands strong during these days of terror, taking the fight to them and away from our tall buildings. A friend of mine, a very loving and kind friend by nature, would not harm a fly. But if upon entering this loving souls home and threatening those in this persons care one would find a fatal response. In many Americans hearts the act of 911 is the very same thing. And according to the 911 commission the 911 attack was scaled down, which means some American lives on the West Coast were not killed by Al Qaeda. But they wanted to kill on a much grander scale. Nothing but our determination and resolve of steel, to see these times through, allow us the inner strength to see liberty prevail in the years ahead. Because I believe if America, her people and way of life fall, facing down this evil, the world will tumble into dark ages from the dimming of the Light of Freedom and the reign of terror.

What prevents these beheadings from happening on our own homeland? Any of our children or us could be taken from our homes or schools and meet the same fate as Nick Berg, or Paul Johnson videotaped and edited for television to our horror. Or what if we lose a whole town or city, and then another, and another? What would Paul tell us if he could about this evil the world and America face at the hands of Militant Islamic Radical Terrorist? What was in those screams from Nick Berg? From my AM radios’ 2-inch speaker I heard "Wake Up", I heard "Stand Up", and I heard the screams of "Help Up"! Help up the weak and stand at the ready to defend the trampled people targeted for destruction! Whether in Sudan, Iran, Syria, Korea, or any place terrorist seek to root and grow. Defend freedom in America, in the world, and even for those that don’t get it yet.

The Beauty of America

October 9th, 2004

I have struggled with a topic for several months now and finally have come to a conclusion concerning the crowd that can best be described as the "Blame America First Crowd". If any of my readers had a chance to hear Zell Millers speech at the Republican National Convention you would know the theme of my heart. I have heard that speech many times and it rings as true as the founding fathers of America did. The rationale of the John Kerry and Michael Moron crowd is based on the hate for the President of the United States of America. The beauty of America is best summed up in the words of the former Democratic Governor of Georgia, Zell Miller, as he spoke about the American Flag. And nothing makes this American more mad, more often, than when anyone tries to blame the United States of America for the problems of the world or being an Imperialist nation. We have sought not to occupy over, dominate, conquer or generally subjugate the countries of nations on earth for over 200 years. And at the end of the Cold War nothing would have prevented us from using our power for just that. I foster that as part of our beauty, that our moral convictions and our "do-the-right-thing" attitude prevents us from being a dominating country and stands us up shoulders above as the liberators that we are! And when in the previous World War we were attacked at Pearl Harbor Americans rose up to beat back Tojos Japan and the forces of Nazi Germany. Americans have come to the rescue and aid of more countries on earth more times more often than length of years of America’s existence. We have lead the way through the Cold War by being a deterrent to communism and dictators from Cuba to China. After World War II we poured millions of dollars into the reconstruction of Europe after liberating the planet from an evil regime bent on world domination. Our free society and capitalist system is the design and envy of the world. The American people have the biggest hearts of compassion, deepest pockets of charity, and the best technological, medical, organizational systems for the downtrodden and poorer 3rd world countries than all the other big countries on earth. We send more aid and feed more people and offer help via Americorps and Peacecorps volunteers because we are a decent and loving nation. America has the biggest heart on the block. And as one of the youngest Democracies on earth we have learned to resolve problems with only one civil war and found the way to treat all as equal under the law. We started off on the right foot and made corrections along the way as our awareness evolved. America is the greatest country in the world and everyone wants to come here.

Just ask the "Blame America First Crowd" how many people were shot trying to get into the former Soviet Union or any of the Communist countries. Why is it people endure such great hardship to come to our shores? Throughout our history we have been the place people give up everything just to get into our country. Because the rest of the world yearn to be free! Free from the world’s despots, and tyrants, and evil regimes. So I have a solution for the "hate America first" bunch of whiners next time they want to moan about our precious land. I will offer a weeks pay to buy a ticket for the country of their choice. One way. So if you hear some Anti-America person spouting off at the mouth tell them you know someone who can help them out. Of course none would take me up on it, for they know a good deal when they see one. My point is that when we start to tear down what this beautiful democracy called America is, then little by little we think it is what everyone believes, and that is simply not true. It is time to return to a core belief seen through new American eyes that view the world from a liberating philosophy of hope, and belief that our way may not be perfect, but it is the best. And as most other nations already want to be like us, they just have not the courage or guts or will to do it. Many of them are being held captive by some nut-job psychopath and have no choice but to submit. The opposing alternative is to use eyes filled with envy, limited by United Nations outside our Constitution that impose we see the world viewed by a socialist order that stifles our freedom and creativity. I say let good old American ingenuity resolve problems we face. The beauty of America are its people, and the belief that freedom is a God given right endowed by the Creator for all human beings. We can write our constitutions and laws on paper and books, but it is the ones in our hearts that define our nation. Ronald Reagan knew this and spoke to my heart as a young man and reminded me of America’s beauty.

Think about all that we as a nation are. Determine in your heart what it means to be an American. I dare you. Over a year after 911 I was affixing the American flag about my buildings post and I had a profound deep-seated urge to grab that pole with both hands and wave this 3 by 5-foot flag in the air on an afternoon on my street. I only did it for about a minute and 5 cars driving by could not resist but to blare their horn more than once. And at least I wonder, how many drove by wishing they had? I ask that if for one minute on one day I can offer a hope of freedom to 5 fellow Americans and or a sense of patriotism what could be done with 2 days? And if more of those whose love of America allows it to seep into conversation, letters, pictures and songs maybe the truth of the beauty of America will shine even brighter. I am a citizen of The United States of America and this newsletter is my way of standing up for the Beauty of America and in some small way attempt to pay the price for that freedom which I dare not forget! No nation that is so young on this Earth has done so great in its efforts towards freedom than America. Even as the most powerful nation on Earth we have sought to conquer no nation for land, wealth, rule, vanity, oil, religion, or evil. And 10 million registered voters in Afghanistan can testify to that. We have fought for freedom and liberty not only for ourselves but also for other countries to maintain their rights of humanity and dignity and sovereignty. And Iraq is drawing up a constitution and soon will have elections to decide their fate and destiny without the WMD Saddam Hussein. America has been the light, in this dark era of communism, socialism, and totalitarianism and now even terrorism, and seeks only to foster the natural human desire for the liberty, equality, and dignity of all humans but especially of the downhearted weaker folks bullied by some tyrant. I will speak about Americas GOOD, and as long as I have breath I will speak of her greatness and hold up her values, stand in her strength and believe in her justice for all. With freedom comes responsibility, that is its price! Freedom is not free, sometimes evil must be confronted in this world. And when victory is achieved celebrate freedom on the 4th of July from whence it came, and remember on Memorial day the cost paid by those whose blood has stained foreign soil so that those that follow walk in freedom. Even in most cultures and religions teach to save another is a just reward in heaven and earth.

From my cold dead hand will they have to steal my flag to burn it or claim victory over it or her land beneath it. It is no coincidence, I think, that the most powerful nation in earth is the most free and whose doctrine is worded to allow independence of its people to elect those to govern and pursue a full life, free of tyranny and freedom of religion. Whose seat of power are its people. America has used her awesome power for the liberation of other countries, and only asked to live in peace and friendship as reward. We don’t care if you never pay us back. And most of them do not. And would it not be a revolutionary concept that when America has her back to the wall like on 911 that nations whose freedoms we poured our young blood and treasure into stand with us before the world order! The Prime Minister of Iraq came all the way here to speak before our leaders and say to Americans "THANK YOU"! Americans are the lights in this dark world. For we hold the flame of freedom in our hearts. And we stand at the edge of evil and tear from one eye only, in patriotism, for those who fear in the dark, while the other eye looks toward God for guidance to be more God-like in a world of both good and evil. I say America the beautiful is one of a kind, unique in liberty, blessed by God, and as the song states; may God thy gold refine, ‘till all success be nobleness, and every gain divine!

And I am an American!


Post Script
William Tyler Page wrote; "I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a Republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes."

(FROM The Americans Creed)

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